Mon - Sun 09:00 - 21:00

Nasal bone Reduction

Nasal bone Reduction

Nasal Bone Reduction are the most common type of facial bone fractures representing 40% to 50% of cases. Nasal fractures are commonly associated with physical assaults, falls, sports injuries and road traffic accidents. The bony nasal trauma may be isolated injuries or may occur in combination with other soft tissue injuries, and other facial bony injuries. The protrusion of the nasal bones and the central location on the face predisposes the nose to injury. Nasal fractures are found to be twice as common in males compared to females. Although nasal fractures tend to be the most common types of facial fractures, they may be associated with fractures of the zygomatic-orbital complex and fractures of the skull base; these should not be missed when assessing the patient.

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