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Tonsil Stones

Tonsil Stones

Tonsilloliths, also called tonsil stones, are calcified, painful pieces of germs and debris that get stuck on the tonsils.

The tonsils are two masses of tissue toward the back of the throat, one on each side. Tonsils are made of tissue with lymphocytes, cells that fight contagions. Numerous specialists think that the tonsils have an essential role in the immune system and work like traps, catching germs, infection-causing bacteria, and viruses entering through the throat.

Although sometimes they fail to do their job correctly and for certain individuals, they’re more problem causing than helpful. According to some researchers, those who have their tonsils removed are not more susceptible to infections than others who have healthy tonsils.

Some primary causes of Tonsilloliths are:

The tonsils have little places where the debris, mucus, dead skin cells get trapped. Sometimes these solidify to form tonsil stones. This generally happens in individuals who have long term infections in their tonsils or recurring instances of tonsillitis.

Treatment or removal of tonsil stones:

  • Antibiotics
  • Surgical removal of stones
  • Surgical removal of the tonsils.
  • Cryptolysis- using laser treatment

Symptoms of Tonsil Stones:

  • Bad breath: A common sign of a tonsil stone is bad breath or halitosis, which shows up with a tonsil infection caused by the presence of volatile Sulphur compounds.
  • White debris: sometimes, a tonsil stone can be seen as a solid white material ab the back of the throat.
  • Difficulty gulping: Subject to the area or size of the tonsil stone, it could be hard or agonizing to swallow food or fluids.
  • Pain in the ear: Tonsil stones can form anyplace in the tonsil, so one might feel pain in the ear because of the nerve path.
  • Sore throat        
  • Cough
  • Inflammation in the tonsil.
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